What Future Do You Want for Your Business?
You can let the future just happen to you, or you can make the decision to create the future you want. To let the future just happen, good or bad, you don't need to do anything. Of course, you'll be reduced to reacting to what happens instead of instigating what happens. If you choose to actively work at creating the future you want, you need to start someplace. That's where I come in. My keynote presentations and workshops are designed to jumpstart the future you want. They are custom built for you and your business, and I guarantee they'll have a positive impact on where you want to go next. Check out some of my presentations below, then call me to talk about how I can help you generate the future you want. After working with some of the biggest names in the world of business authors and literally “written the book” on wholehearted engagement in the workplace (see “Learning to Fly” book below), I’ll use all of my experience to unleash the energy of your employees.

Have you articulated your story and vision to your employees? Are they on board? Are they going the same direction you are? If you’ve answered yes to all these questions, that’s fantastic. It means you’re an effective leader. Have you already taken the lid off so you can climb higher and faster? If you answered no, then you already know you’re not where you want to be. You have challenges that are stressful and wearing. It’s time to invent a better future. Are you ready?
Breaking the Rule of Fear & Inventing the Future You Want
The world is a dangerous place. It’s a tough economy. What if I do it wrong? What will keep me safe? – These are the thoughts that haunt us on a regular basis and cause us to make a lot of decisions based on fear. Ironically, it’s the rule of fear that holds us back from living life powerfully. This talk outlines a process for breaking the rule of fear and inventing the future you want. It shows how to live a life of possibility that can bring almost anything within your grasp.
What’s Your Story?
Writing Your Life As a Blockbuster Instead of a Horror Story
When you get up in the morning nobody hands you a script that tells you what to say, do, think or feel for the day. That means you are the author of your day, and your life. This presentation walks you through the process of discovering what you want your life to be about then shows you, and/or your employees, how you can write fresh, exciting new chapters everyday. You’ll learn that everyone has the power to write the story they want their lives to be, happy endings included.

Learning to Fly: Superheroes in the Workplace
Imagine having a a Superhero on your payroll. Now imagine having 50, 100, 500 or more. What could you they do for your business? This presentation is based on my book, Learning to Fly: Lessons From a Real Life Superhero. It’s designed to unleash all Everyday Superhero inside each of and to use our powers for good. Don’t be surprised, you might just end up with a business full of Superheroes!

Navigating the 7 C’s of Success
Success is a destination anyone can find if they know how to navigate the path there. This presentation lays out how to navigate from where you are to where you want to go in your life, or in your business. From Core to Creativity to Command, you’ll learn how to chart your journey to the future. Before you can get where you want to go, you have to know the way. Before you can get there, you need to hike your sailed and start. Start here.

What Santa Has to Teach You About Business
(It’s more than you might expect)
What are the challenges facing your organization? Employee motivation? Productivity? Community engagement? Brand recognition? Whatever challenges your organization faces, Santa can help you find the solution. Known as the “Inspired Elf”, and author of A Parent’s Guide to Santa Claus, I bring my special insights into Santa, and my years of entrepreneurial and business experience, to the stage for a light-hearted, but surprisingly effective, look at overcoming the challenges your company faces everyday.