UncommonAgent.net |
Property Marketing Samples |
3500 Lowell
Street |
Wayzata, MN
55391 |
612.669.7365 |
John@UncommonWriter.com |
Research has shown that people don't buy a home because of the
features. People buy homes based on
emotion and then use features to justify the decision.
That means if you want your property marketing to be
effective you need marketing materials that do more thant simply
show a few pictures and a list of features. The
most effective property brochures and booklets
get buyers to move in emotionally
by telling the story of the home in ways that touch their
emotional hot buttons. Effective property marketing materials
also draw more people into the home
and make the home stand out from the
competition once they've been through the home. It
makes the home more memorable, and that means it's likely to
sell faster!
explore some samples, simply click on the pictures
below and follow the links.